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Wednesday 1 June 2011

ATM Inventor Story Savaged by Babel Fish

I'm not proud. 
Heaven knows I am not a possessive person.
I really don't mind people copying my articles and blog postings, I don't even care that much when they rip them off and try to pass them off as their own work. Sometimes stories get translated into foreign languages and back into English again. Stories that go through this process multiple times can eventually become ridiculously garbled.
It happens all the time.  Just a fact of life when you regularly submit articles and blog postings on the internet.
But this example, found on a Vietnamese website, really does take the biscuit!

And just for comparative purposes, here is the original -

To give you a taste of the extraordinary editorial standard of this website, here is a typical extract from their version of the story:

 Cosmetic cards had not nonetheless been invented, so Mr Shepherd-Barron’s appurtenance used cheques which were assimilated with CO fourteen, a softly hot substance. A ATM appurtenance rescued it, afterwards suited a coupon opposite a Pin number. Asked about illness fears, Shepherd-Barron distributed which a user would have to eat 136, 000 cheques prior to pang any ill-effects.
Like Archimedes, Shepherd-Barron claims to have strike upon a thought for a cash-dispensing appurtenance while receiving a bath. Shepherd-Barron additionally invented a device written to shock off a seals which were depredating a batch upon his Scottish salmon farm. This device used a recording of Killer Whale noises, though unfortunately it seemed to capture some-more seals than it deterred. His cash-dispensing appurtenance was opportunely rsther than some-more successful, gaining him an OBE in 2005 as good as imprinting a poignant theatre in a growth of modern-day promissory note techniques, paving a approach for networked systems, online bank accounts as good as thinly slice PIN confidence technology. A internationally supposed customary of a 4-digit PIN was additionally originated by Shepherd-Barron. Originally he referred to a 6-character format, identical to his elderly 6-digit Army method series, though, thankfully for those of us with poor memories, his mother swayed him which a 4-digit method was utterly sufficient for a normal chairman to retain.

Is it just me, or has anyone else experienced this phenomenonMy text must have been through Babel Fish a dozen times to end up in this condition...
If anyone else has had their stories garbled in this way, and can come up with something even more hilarious, I would love to hear about it.


  1. Mmmmmm... a softly hot substance...

  2. Actually, I think you should have given your introductory paragraph a good Babelfishing first. Here it is after a light spin cycle of Traditional Chinese, Portugese, French and Greek:

    I'? ; No arrogant does K. the sky have does know that I amn't a [apoktitiko] person l'? instinct. Really don'? my? ; t my double article and Bork they submit a part d'? writing for the publication, the I don'? ; Person of brains? Of course t s'? it is imported, when the improper usurpation these, and attempts through to take his work. L'? is different history the time converted sometimes in the foreigner language and does turn in l'? English. It examines this it handles the rythms that l'? the history is potentially converted finally the reports of excluded frame laughably. This s'? produced east. Foundation of life, when it in general will submit l'? article and [ypobalte] a part d'? writing for the publication when Internet'? ; s Bork. But this example, that is found in the placement Web vietnamiano, has really adopted the biscuit!

    (N.B. I'm glad "biscuit" survived).

  3. You have way too much spare time on your hands. I must find you a shelf to put up...
